General Evaluator · Guest Contributions

A short GE script with an analogy

We loved the analogy TM Liam from Toronto has imagined in this script for the role of General Evaluator in Toastmasters. TM Liam compares performances to exams and evaluation to results here. Take a look.

RELATED: How to perform the role of General Evaluator?

Think of every speech you give or role you perform in Toastmasters like an exam. Now the rule says, if there is an exam, there ought to be results. How else would you know how you fared? In Toastmasters, we have an evaluation round for precisely this reason. Here we let you know what was good but more importantly what and how everything else could be better. To help me in this task is my TAG team. Let me introduce them to you now.

Thank you so much TM Liam for this submission.

We here at are making a collection of scripts / introductions for all roles in Toastmasters. If you have such ideas or scripts that you have used in your club, let us know here or email us at

For more ideas to introduce yourself as a General Evaluator, look here.

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