General Evaluator · Guest Contributions

A novel introduction for the role of GE

We love it when fellow Toastmasters introduce their roles in novel fashion. TM Priyanka has come up with one such introduction for the role of General Evaluator. It’s new, creative and logical. Take a look below.

RELATED: How to do the role of General Evaluator?

Public speaking is a performance art. And there is one thing common to all performance arts – they thrive on audience appreciation. It is therefore good logic to directly ask the audience for their appreciation or reasons for non appreciation. Evaluation in Toastmasters is based on this exact formula. Here we have a team of evaluators who view your performances as audience and give their feedback on the same – what was good and what could have been better. I am the General Evaluator for today and helping me in my task is my TAG team. Let me introduce them to you now.

Thank you so much TM Priyanka for this submission.

We here at are making a collection of scripts / introductions for all roles in Toastmasters. If you have such ideas or scripts that you have used in your club, let us know here or email us at

For more ideas to introduce yourself as a General Evaluator, look here.

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